How Much Should You Pay For Headshots??

credit: Jo Guldi, Flickr

Wow… now there’s a loaded question.

There is no denying that a high-quality headshot creates a powerful and positive first impression, whether on LinkedIn, a company website, or other platforms. It conveys professionalism, approachability, and attention to detail. The headshot may well determine if someone moves on to another profile or takes your profile seriously.

Now, there is no doubt that in this domain you get what you pay for. Yes, you may find people who do great work and don’t charge professional pricing, often because they just aren’t running a business. Photography is something that they do on the side when they have the time. However, what also often accompanies this scenario is a no-frills approach - very little service - just a good product. That is fine if that’s all you need and the product meets your need.

However, here are some things to consider...

  1. A professional photographer offers a pre-shoot consultation to discuss and plan out the best outfits, colors, backgrounds, poses, expressions, etc… to achieve the desired look(s) and help you look your best.

  2. Professional photographers are skilled in lighting, angles, and composition, ensuring that your best features are highlighted and that the image is both flattering and engaging. Does their portfolio reflect this? Do they have a portfolio?

  3. A professional photographer works with you to align the headshot with your personal or corporate brand, ensuring it communicates the right message to your audience. The importance of this is not to be underestimated.

  4. Professional photographers offer professional and custom level retouching.

  5. Professional photographers offer background changes and perhaps even composites to provide custom looks and variety to maximize your investment. *(see image below)

  6. Professional photographers have the proper equipment to set up custom lighting to achieve desired looks, whether the headshots are to be done in studio or on location.

  7. Professional photographers use proper equipment and editing software to deliver images with superior clarity and sharpness, suitable for both digital and print use.

How backgrounds can alter the feel and message of a headshot

In Raphal Wegiel’s recent post, The Neglected Element of Branding: Why Great Headshots of Your Team Matter, he explains perfectly the power of a great headshot:

“A well-executed headshot does more than showcase a face—it conveys confidence, approachability, professionalism, and trustworthiness. These are qualities every company wants to associate with their brand. A great headshot can make your CEO appear visionary, your managers seem competent and approachable, and your employees shine as valuable, happy contributors to your mission.

High-quality headshots create a cohesive visual identity for your team, enhancing your brand’s credibility and consistency. They humanize your company, making it more relatable to clients, investors, and partners.”

It happens far too often that I am looking at company or individual profile online and am shocked by the lack of quality, professionalism and branding care in the headshots and company portraits that I see. It definitely causes me to question the quality of their services. I am sure, as a professional photographer, that I notice things that others may not. However, there is no denying the feeling of confidence and respect one feels when seeing individuals and companies well represented with high quality photos.

So, back to this post’s title. How much should you pay for headshots? I think the answer is, how much to you care about the power of your visual impact? In today’s highly visual and digital landscape, it’s no trivial detail to be tacked on at the end.

Invest in YOU!